In democracies with freedom of expression, ordinary citizens are granted extraordinary protection. However, in the information sphere, this freedom comes with a very heavy obligation. The press should seek the truth as best they can; not to inflame or entertain, but to illuminate. There’s new pressure on information providers to deliver heat instead of light because revenue streams are changing so rapidly. But despite the cultural and economic shifts, one thing will always matter: the truth.
USA, 2022, 3 min., English with Bulgarian subtitles
Script: Dawn Westlake
Director: Dawn Westlake
Cinematography: Pol Carrizo Vilarroig
Music: Christian Frazier
Production: Ron de Cana Prods, Inc.
Director’s Biography:
Dawn Westlake is president of Ron de Cana Prods, Inc. in Los Angeles. She has made 23 films since 2000 which have won 92 awards at international film festivals along with honors from Canon USA, Inc and JVC-Tokyo. Dawn is also an actress/writer/producer and has served on film festival juries in the US, Portugal, France and Italy.