“Saving Some Random Insignificant Stories” is a goodbye film to my parents’ house. One night in December 2021, after an unusually extreme weather event, my parents’ house flooded, and they had to be rescued by a boat. They lost almost everything that night, including their dog and their cat. Two days after the flood, when the water level went down and I could finally enter the house, I tried to extract as many objects as possible, and for the rest, I made this film.
Austria, Greece, 2022, 14 min., Greek with English and Bulgarian subtitles
Script: Anna Vasof
Director: Anna Vasof
Cinematography: Anna Vasof
Production: sixpackfilm
Director’s Biography:
Anna Vasof is an architect and media artist. Born in 1985, she studied architecture at the University of Thessaly (2010) in Greece and Transmedia Art (2014) at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Since 2004 her videos and short movies have been presented in several festivals, some of them were receiving awards. She´s currently working on designing and building innovative mechanisms for producing critical videos, actions and installations.