“Voutes” is a film depicting Perama, a working class suburb of Athens, by following Panayiotis and Fotis. Both of them spend a big part of their free time at the roof deck of their houses where they have their pigeon lofts. The film observes their pigeon keeping practice, documents their narratives, presents their relationship with the other pigeon-fanciers and follows them in a world that offers them an escape from their difficult daily life and a return to a lost childhood.
Grecce, 2022, 40 min., Greek with English and Bulgarian subtitles
Script: Tasos Gkinosatis
Director: Tasos Gkinosatis
Cinematography: Iason Arvanitakis
Production: Tasos Gkinosatis
Director’s Biography:
Based in Athens, documentary director and video editor. He has directed the web interactive documentary “A long adventure. The recognition of the national Resistance. 1944-2006”, the medium length documentary “Voutes” and also co-directed as a member of Colectivo “Paramo” the short documentary “Vamos a quemar”. Currently he is working in his first feature documentary film.