Two One Two, by animation filmmaker Shira Avni, combines shimmering clay on glass animation with personal archives in this deeply intimate, experimental animated documentary love letter to motherhood, parenting on the spectrum, and two headed monsters everywhere.
Canada, 2023, 4 min., English with Bulgarian subtitles
Director: Shira Avni
Scriptwriter: Shira Avni
DOP: Shira Avni
Music: Saltland (Rebecca Foon and Warren Ellis), Dan Loomer
Production: Shira Avni
Director’s Biography:
Shira Avni is an animation filmmaker and Associate Professor of Film Animation at Concordia University in Montreal. Her animated documentary films have won over 37 international awards and screened in over 200 festivals worldwide. She is the proud recipient of a 2020 Distinguished Teaching Award at Concordia. Her current research weaves documentary, animation, and memoir to address neurodiversity, motherhood, and interdependence through luminous clay-on-glass animation, back-lit to create the shimmering effect of stained glass in motion.