2021 International Feature Documentary Film Competition / Popular
Germany, 2021,70’
Director: Wolf Emil Fuchs
Co-directors: Nadia Franka Richter Wanda Johanna Richter
Producer: Wofgang Reinke
An intimate look at the first six month after the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Wolfgang Reinke collects unusual snapshots of our locked down lives in the time of a pandemic – in his neighborhood and with the help of a smartphone. Overnight his six-year old daughters, Nadia and Wanda, are back at home rather than in the kindergarten – lots of time to reflect and look for opportunities, cracks in a daily existence lacking income or play areas – but where the skies are blue.
At one point, Nadia and Wanda take control of the camera themselves and shoot their own films. Then we see scenes of protests, the self-empowerment of conspiracy theorists and Nazis, but also a movement of the left, striving to find things in common and argue for the “crisis as opportunity” rather than let it degenerate into a neo-liberal mantra. Friends and relations speak up and talk about what must urgently be changed in our society – because compared with the climate catastrophe, the corona pandemic is just a picnic.
“I was born in 1974 in the GDR and grew up under two political systems. It hasn’t made me any wiser, as my many years as a director of feature-length documentaries prove. I have gained life experience as an author of satirical texts, reportage photographer, student’s parliament speaker (without really studying, bartender, construction, carpentry and tree care worker, software tester for tap-proof telephones, sauna master and father to twin daughters.” Wolf Emil Fuchs
Screening: 17.09.2021, 19:30h, Theatre (Small Hall)
- Listing ID: 989